tips and tricks

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I found inspiration for this post as Jeff and I were at the airport last week maneuvering to find something healthy to eat at the airport… as much as we’re traveling this year I couldn’t help but wonder, how can we try to eat healthy at the airports when we’re constantly surrounded by Au Bon Pain, Brueger’s […]

Training and Top 2 Tuesday… Ticket to Ride and Blogging Lessons


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Last night, I continued the “winter cleaning” as I am calling it, because let’s face it, due to inclement weather, I am stuck at home most of the evenings and I am trying to accomplish anything other than watching mindless TV… I decided to go through my stack of old magazines and organize what I […]

Charming…and Stylish Details


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Back for round #2 on this Tuesday to share some of my secrets—a few tidbits of advice I have learned through my often tumultuous love of everything health and fitness…and please note to self, these things are specific tips and tricks that work for ME, meaning use with caution and remember to pay attention to what […]

Training Tuesday…Tips & Tricks from Moi


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Rather than the traditional listing of “My Favorite Things” about the holiday season {and yes I love that song!}, today Aly is asking everyone to think about: Day 8: Least Favorite Thing About the Holidays Gaining weight  It’s actually a myth that we gain anywhere from 5 to 7 pounds during the winter holidays, however, […]

12 Days of Christmas and Top 2 Tuesday


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