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I had a few of you emailing me asking about working with an Interior Designer…the process, the details, my favorite part of collaboration, and so I thought it would be fun to have my dear friend, Kendall Simmons, join us for a little Q&A session to provide some further detail about her background, her aesthetic,  and of […]

The Fabulous Design of Kendall Simmons || Q&A and Her New E-Design Services!!


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Type A over here… just obsessing on how I can get the house organized for fall, even though I know everyone is all about the “spring cleaning”, nope not me. It’s time to do it again before the hustle and bustle of the holidays nears so I enlisted the services of Joanna and Clea of […]

Q&A Session with The Home Edit… All Things Organization and a Giveaway!


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Oh heavens, I’m just over here dreaming of some dining room inspiration… I already told our favorite designer in the world [Kendall Simmons if you haven’t heard me talk of her yet], and I am itching to get started on the first room you see when you walk into our home. Right now, you’ll stroll […]

The Dining Room… Design Inspiration and What’s To Come


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Ready for a MAJORLY huge giveaway that you’re REALLY going to want to win??? Say hello to my newest custom framed print to grace the walls in our home sweet home… all brought to you by the amazing friends at CanvasPop! So exactly what is it you ask??? CanvasPop is an online printing company with […]

CanvasPop: Feature and BIG Giveaway!


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ONE. Entryway Love Starting off today in the world of home decorating fun, once Caroline’s room is complete (still waiting on back ordered items to ship of course), we will be venturing to the foyer for some new touches to welcome our guests! I’ve been pinning a ton of entryway options I like, for overall […]

five on friday… friday the 13th


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Birthday invitations have gone out, which means it’s officially inching closer… to March 17th, the day my baby girl turns three. We’ve done the Lucky Charm Shindig, then last year we held a festive Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Soiree, and now this year, we decided to switch things up a bit and have a relaxed, casual, […]

Caroline’s 3rd Birthday…The Inspiration


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