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Top 2 Tuesday… Alone on an Island


June 29, 2010

Today’s topic over at Taylor’s is all about the things you couldn’t live without…
The Top 2 Things (not People) You Would Take to a Deserted Island
1. My iPod
Yes I may need electricity on my island, but we are living in my reality for a second so I am assuming there is a way to charge my beloved iPod, even if I have to use solar power–haha… I can’t go on trips without this baby–easy to block out screaming babies, or fiances who want to discuss our finances and budget =)
2. Tennis Shoes
If I am stuck somewhere, I might as well get some exercise while I’m there, right??? I know, I sound like an idiot for wanting to run, but you have to kill time somehow and getting blistered feet on a deserted island doesn’t sound like much fun to me

  1. Ipod most definitely!! That would be one of my picks, as well! I hope you're doing well, Miss Natasha 🙂 Happy Tuesday! xoxo

  2. Caroline says:

    An iPod would be a must…why didn't I think of that?

  3. kate funk says:

    You would be in such great shape!!! I would def have my ipod with an endless battery and sunscreen, I WOULD be fried!!!

  4. Love it! Have you ran in a marathon or half? I ran my first half last year and loved it!!! Have a great day!

  5. Marian says:

    IPod of IPhone is the best thing to take!! Movies and music…its all you really need:)

  6. melissa says:

    Good choices! Being on a deserted island for a little while sounds pretty heavenly right now!

    I think I'd bring an eReader and a blanket for the sand. I hate being sandy!

  7. Kerbi says:

    Great choices! an ipod is a must! Happy Tuesday!

  8. Adie says:

    Amen to blocking out finance talk! I am new here I really like your blog!

  9. Tarryn says:

    Running shoes… good idea!!

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