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OK so I know I am not the most savvy Do It Yourselfer, but I find inspiration from those in the blogging world that are, and then borrow steal their ideas…easy enough, right? Here are some fun and fabulous DIY side projects that I am most certainly going to try on my own–need a little fun […]

DIY Crafting Skills


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Finally, right? Another wedding recap…I’m hoping I can get through at least one of these a week or until I receive all of my fabulous wedding pictures!! I’m hoping I can swoon my photogs with some baked goodies or something of that nature ;). When I started thinking about OOT gift bags, I knew I wanted something […]

The Best Day Ever…Out of Town Gift Bags

wedding recaps

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once this wedding fiasco business is said and done, i am going to make a serious effort to blogging again about fun DIY projects, new recipes, decorating the house, fun workouts and exercises, shopping…you know the very important stuff–haha. until that time, though, i thought i would take some time to divert your attention to other noteworthy blogs […]

back to basics… no more wedding talk


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Yes, when I ventured into the grocery store to buy balloons for the birthday party, the florist kindly asked “oh how old is your little boy?” to which I replied “he’s turning 27″…haha! Oh yes, Jeff went on and on about how I never make a big deal about “his” day so I went above […]

Hot Dog! It’s a Party


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It’s mid-week already?? Say it ain’t so… too much to accomplish and the hours are flying by this week! So much excitement in wedding land to tell you about though, so without further adieu… Last weekend, I met Jennifer and her daughter Maddie to try on flower girl dresses! Oh the little darling didn’t disappoint […]

Wedding Wednesday… Rolling Along!


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