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I think this is turning into a little “Disney series” if you will… and I kinda like it. I feel like I need to pay it forward with all the overflowing information I have for the most magical place now so I am hoping these snippets into our Disney vacation may help some of you […]

stonekings do disney || outfit planning & all the fun stuff


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Pinterest for the win, as always… I stumbled upon this gem of a list and I’m not quite sure how, but it spoke to me in more ways than one and I knew I needed to share with you friends, too. Hoping this helps you on your way to well-designed life, little steps all along […]

50 Things Worth Noting…


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No, I am not a pro-planner when it comes to visiting the happiest place on Earth, though after working on this big family vacation for more than a year, I feel like I should pass on some helpful things we’ve learned throughout the process… hoping this can help some of you when you decide to […]

Stonekings Do Disney || Planning Tips, Tricks, and Advice


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Do you ever have a brain block or find yourself wondering what to do next?!?!? I love when bloggers let their readers do the work… and so today, I am coming to you, my most trusted social media friends and acquaintances and I’m asking you: I could regret this [I’m already nervous…haha] but I’m pretty […]

Come On… Tell Me What You Want


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HEY THERE FRIENDS! Today I am back with the second installment of my blogging collaboration with the talented Mandy Davis [see my makeup before and after here] and I rounded up a few hot topics for a fun question and answer sessions with one of Nashville’s top makeup artists. Hoping these tips and tricks will […]

Q&A with Makeup Artist Mandy Davis


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I was surprised so many of you wanted to see a post detailing our experiences with nannies… before we start, I want to preface this by saying that Jeff and I discussed numerous childcare options before we decided to go the nanny route, and based on our careers and not having the typical Monday through […]

the nanny chronicles || our story


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We all want to get treated to special gifts and goodies when our birthdays roll around… I mean, we might technically be getting older [and wiser], but at least a few little happies from our favorite retailers and restaurants make it not sting as much!  Here is a round up of some PRETTY spectacular birthday perks […]

Birthday Perks || Special Savings, Discounts, and Freebies


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